A Conversation for Cats

Cats... and intelligence.

Post 1


The biggest mistake most people make is that they ignore the intelligence of Cats.
You want proof?
Mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs have been known to spread human diseases.
The same can be said of Parrots. They may be fairly intelligent, but their incessant talking can be very irritating.
Dogs are thick. They may do work for man, but that makes them workers not pets.
Seriously though, have YOU ever seen Cats pulling a sled through snow?
THAT act, or lack of it, proves the intelligence of a Cat! smiley - ok
Only Men (and that includes women smiley - raisedeyebrow) and Dogs would be stupid enough to want to travel through snow! smiley - biggrin

Cats... and intelligence.

Post 2


Hello you still arroundsmiley - smiley

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