A Conversation for Cats

Cat washing

Post 1

Stu The Gnu

Get hold of some nice thick welding Gauntlets, a couple of old thick coats, a couple of pairs of jeans, thick boots, and a motorcycle helmet.

Get the owner or someone the cat trusts to bring the unsuspecting victim (sorry i mean cat) to the shower, throw it in with you and lock the bathroom door, hold cat by scruff of neck and shower it.

The next bit is tricky, in fact it's so tricky it's purely theoretical as, to my knowledge it's never been acomplished.

Somehow you have to get the shampoo onto the cat (wearing welders gauntlets hampers opening the bottle) remember you have a shower running and a cat to keep hold of, you're also sodden and have realized that more clothing should have been warn as your blood is coursing out of several deep gashes in your arms (luckily your in the shower so it's nice and easy to wash away).

It's at this point that someone usually opens the door to see what's happening and a blur of wet fur shoots like lightening out of the room.

People tend to give up at this point. Don't even try it.

Why is it cats are considered clean animals? If I washed myself in my own spit, i'm fairly sure I wouldn't be considered clean. They must have a spin doctor that governments would do anything for.

Cat washing

Post 2

Eccentrica Gallumbits (I'm out of my mind right now, but feel free to leave a message.)

THIS is the way to wash the cat:


smiley - devil

Cat washing

Post 3

Stu The Gnu

That is really funny.

Thanks for sharing it.

Are you THE Eccentrica Gallumbits?

You know with three thingies and everything?

smiley - biggrin

Cat washing

Post 4

Delicia - The world's acutest kitten

Anyone attempting to wash a cat should be put in the dryer *spit, hiss* smiley - blackcat

Cat washing

Post 5


I know - cats wash themselves, don't they?

Cat washing

Post 6


And anyone else that happens by. smiley - biggrin

Cat washing

Post 7

Heron 227790

I agree. Cats wash themselves. Water should only be employed in the process of separating fighting cats (fun, and effective).

On another note, this was on a forum the other day: how to give a cat a pill

love R227790 xxx

smiley - catsmiley - tit

Cat washing

Post 8


smiley - laugh

Cat washing

Post 9


And if the pill falls out of the bacon the daft smiley - dog will hunt around on the floor till he finds it and gobbles it up. smiley - doh

Cat washing

Post 10


Forget washing- try catching feral kittens to get them neutered by the RSPCA. I did and the welding gauntlets didn't prevent him savaging my arm and then as a coupe-de-grace spraying me with cat faeces and urine once I actually caught him.

Cat washing

Post 11


Remarks from a pet care book I was reading once in my pre-teens:

"Cats usually have no trouble keeping themselves clean enough.

If the cat really needs a bath, it will probably cooperate."

smiley - evilgrinIf it really is so bad a case (short of the cat getting caught in an oil spill or something like that), spare yourself the ordeal and just toss it in the swimming pool.

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