A Conversation for Psoriasis

Bad news

Post 1


I'm trying to stay cool, since I know I do have ps, because I visited a clinic and they took some skin and analyzed it.

Although less then 10 percent, it's a real setback for me, because I already have other "loads" to carry and we all know that illness is not "fair".

And, there are spots coming on my face. Small, but it gets the devil out of me.
Furthermore; stress, worry and medicines are rather "woven" in my personality, so the excecution of alfredo is hastened.

I'm furious, and even more furious, because anger won't help.

I'm fed up with being "me", while we should be "friends".

I Think, all my four daughters have the same, because we all have the same symptoms, but so far we thought it would be soborric exzeme.
I will not tell them what I really think now what they have.
it won't do them any good and the later they discover, the better.

Once and a while I by an agressive product.

For myself I am studying all kinds of food supplies, like fish oil (Omega 3, or 6) and other things, like MSM, etc. etc.

I'm pissed.

Bad news

Post 2


I am now almost sure, my children do have the same.
Although not severe, but they do have "itching spots" on their heads,legs, etc.

In my life it came out about 35 years of age.
They do have it from childhood.

I will not tell them that I believe they have psoriasis. I only give them some cremes I get from the doctor.

It makes no sense telling them.
Once they'll realize the bad news.
Any year they don't really know - because they don't really wish to know - is a O.K.

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