A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction

sex with a corpse

Post 1


Speaking of sleeping with the dead, I did know somebody once who was into necrophilia, as well as bondage and bestiality, but i told him he was flogging a dead horse...

sex with a corpse

Post 2

Taoist at Large

Tell ya what -- I might as well be arrested, one of my last girl friends might as well have been a corpse for all the movement she lacked durring sex. Girls, one hint of advice: if yoiu are going to have sex enjoy it, get into it, and move at least once or twice -- if your just going to lay there I can think of other ways to risk catching a desease that would require little movement and not have the requitrement for nudity! LOL


sex with a corpse

Post 3

Super Shep

Actually my mate and I were up the pub the other night and when he came into work the next day he says he took a short cut home over the railway embankment. When he got to the top he says he found a young lady chained to the track. What did you do says I. Well he says I did what any decent bloke would have done, I untied the wench and carried her home to the warmth of my house. Then, he says, he made love to her all night long, it was great he says. I ask did you have oral sex? Oh he says I didn't find the head!!!!!!!!!

sex with a corpse

Post 4

The Caffeine Kid

*sound of someone being sick*

that is bad with a capital BAAAAAAAAAAA!


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