A Conversation for Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Nice job!
JD Started conversation Mar 27, 2001
Glad someone wrote this article - I'm a fellow Santa Fe resident myself, of just 3 years or so, and I had to laugh out loud at this article. Very accurate, for the most part. Overall, your article was well done! Nice summary of the history. However, I have to say it's a drastic overgeneralization to describe us residents as "white with money, Hispanic with little money, and native american with little money," though for the sake of dark humor I suppose it's pretty close to the truth. Might want to re-check spelling on Cerrillos - once it's missing the second 'r' and not long after the missing 'r' turns up to give an extra one to the word. And there's only one "l" in tequila; but enough of piddly spelling corrections.
In case any interested parties follow the link to Santa Fe Breweries, please note that their website is a bit out of date: Wolf Canyon is out of business and, from the last time I talked to one of the owners and the ex-master brewers, it isn't planning to be re-opened/sold in the immediate future. Sad, as that was one of my favorite places and I now live just a mile from it. I find it somewhat strange that you list Club Alegria under clubs you're afraid of (used to live a couple miles from that place, but moved quickly), but like to hang out at Evangelo's ... both seem a bit rough to me, though good bands do indeed play at Evangelo's. My personal favorite is El Paseo, just about a hundred feet down from Evangelo's. And no mention of El Farol? Just kidding ... this article would be 10 pages long if one were to review all the restaurants/pubs in Santa Fe. See you at Horseman's Haven! Either there or Dave's Not Here. Gotta have some rellenos now.
Nice job!
Researcher 170194 Posted Mar 27, 2001
Well, by living in Albuquerque I've learned some things about Santa Fe. 1. Never go through Santa Fe when you can take the bypass. 2. Never let the family from out of state drive, as they get even more confused than someone who at least goes up there occasionally. 3. The cost of living is too high--hmm, now that I think of it, that also applies to Rio Rancho.
Also, I've never met anyone who spells chile "chilli". Maybe we should get that checked--or is that the British spelling?
Nice job!
GTBacchus Posted Mar 28, 2001
Thanks for the compliments and feedback! I'll get in touch with the editor about the spelling issues... I spelled it 'chile' and she changed it to 'chilli,' then I wrote and explained that they're different words, and then she changed it, but it looks like it's back to the other way again now. As for why I'm afraid of Club Alegria, it was the coke dealer who *really* wanted to take me there that threw me off...
And of course, my apologies to the restaurants/bars that I didn't mention. Kind of absurd to include Cheek's and not El Farol, isn't it? Silly me.
anyway, gotta go now, apparently I'm being antisocial by typing when I have company...(?)
Thanks again!
Nice job!
Ashley Posted Mar 28, 2001
Hey thanks for the feeback guys -
Regarding the spelling of Chile - GTB did inform me that the correct way to spell it was chile. In-house, every entry is re-read and because we are ignorant to the nuances of American cuisine, the spelling reverted back to chilli - it should be all better now
me aculpa.
PS - I'm male
Nice job!
GTBacchus Posted Mar 28, 2001
Goodness, excuse me, Ashley! One must be careful with pronouns online, mustn't one?
Anyway, thanks for getting that all patched up; there's one last spelling mistake (I think it's the last) In the very last paragraph, the sentence beginning "Travellers, however..." contains 'Cerrrillos Road,' which should only have a double 'r' and not a triple one.
Thanks again for your great work, and for the link to the entry about chiles (chillies?), where the spelling discussion continues...
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Nice job!
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