Classified Advertisements
Created | Updated Jun 22, 2003
A new Feature for the POST will be the possibility to send in any advertisements you may wish to publish.
These should, of course, be purely h2g2 related! Unless otherwise specified,
advertisements will run for 4 weeks.
Sites Worthy of a Visit
Hermes Messanger Service... send gifts or greetings to users direct to their space. With Valentines Day on the horizon, now is the time to check out this site!
Calliope Stage... opening on the 12th January in association with the Musicians Guild.
New and not so new:
h2g2 Astronomy Society... celestial bodies.
The BOF Inn... a site for the not-so-noisy!
So Long, And Thanks For
Laughing... the h2g2 Joke Directory... is for you.
If YOU would like to place an advertisement, please email shazzPRME