A Conversation for Red Dwarf - The TV Series

Smeg humour.

Post 1

Mish Prefect

I have just realised that I should really have written this article. Of course now I am kicking myself for it, but well done!
Red Dwarf just has to be one of the best sit com-y type programmes to ever have been made, although I tend to think the standard of humour disintegrates in the last -er, 8th ? Series, Because it is getting more and more vile ands crude. This, I believe is catering for the majority of the British Public who, as I see it, are not the kind of people I'd like to share The Heart Of Gold or, indeed, Starbug 1 with. But being a minority member of the British Public - if I have insulted anyone feel free to write some random comments, on Smeg, the use of the word Zark and 42.

Smeg humour.

Post 2


Hey, where's my Zarking towel?!

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