A Conversation for Giraffes

Giraffe's Tail

Post 1

Researcher 197850

I was once told the Giraffe's tail was THE longest in the animal kingdom. When I passed this bit of information on to my wife she said " Bull Hockie " or words to that effect. For several years now I've been trying to confirm what I'd been told. Truth or fiction? I don't mean "in relation to thie bodies". If that were true one of the cats would probably win out. I DO mean actual length. Tails were made for balance AND swishing flies.My wife says they only have cute little swishy things for tails. A 20 ft. Giraffes tail, with it's hairy tip, could only fax a KEEP OFF message to it's head if it were as short as my better half suggest. Could somebody e-mail me the answer to this question? [email protected]

Giraffe's Tail

Post 2


Hi there New H2G2 researcher.
My name's Friar and I'm an Angel on H2G2. I was wondering if you needed any help over here.

You've been in on the site for a week and I was just cjecking in to make sure everything was going smoothly for you.

Friar, the BigDawg

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