A Conversation for Competitive Ballroom Dancing
No way - Cardiff outfits rock!
The Pink Dandelion (Taraxacum non-officinale) - Keeper of the Shrubbery Started conversation Nov 28, 2000
Well, the latin ones do, kinda, if you've got a fantastic figure but no breasts. (Have you ever seen a dumpy girl dressed in a short tight iridescent dress, boobs barely supported by the halterneck, doing the jive? Frightening. I suppose you probably have.) Personally, I wore a big bird outfit for a couple of seasons (ah, the lovely disks).
Who did you dance for? Not imperial I hope...? (there's only so many times you can be completely trounced before you start feeling just a teensy bit malicious...)
Great entry, though. Makes it all sound much less bitchy :o)
Wish I'd written it first
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No way - Cardiff outfits rock!
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