Created | Updated Jan 23, 2009
It is sometimes claimed that morality is impossible without God. This is false, as demonstrated by the many moral atheists and immoral theists (in addition to the many moral theists and immoral atheists). Furthermore, the only means by which we can tell whether something is moral or immoral is by secular means.
It is also claimed that religion gives us a reason to be moral. This may be true, but does not provide evidence that God exists.
Ongoing Points
Alleged Examples of the 'No True Scotsman' Fallacy
[hasn't every 21st Century conflict so far been started by people with religious faith?]
Firstly, people with a faith don't necessarily act according to it.
Secondly, people don't all have knowledge of their faith.
Thirdly, people don't always have a faith for the right reasons. - warner
There's your answer to why you 'didn't receive' ... You didn't truly open your heart. - warner
your 'evidence' is non-serious, while my attempt in post 1562, is VERY serious. - warner