Design (Teleology)

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Main Page . Personal Experience . Prayer and Miracles . Scripture . Design (Telology) . First Cause . Morality . Suffering (The Problem of Evil) . Parsimony . Prudential Arguments (Pascal's Wager)

Biological Design

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is a better explanation for design among living things than Paley-esque Intelligent Design.

The Laws of Physics

The Universe is not designed for life, and indeed is largely inhospitable. That or planet (or the laws of physics) are suitable for life is best explained by the anthropic principle, in combination with the idea that ours is not the only planet (or universe).

Current Points

Look at the elaborate detail of plants and animals, the wonder of evolution, and the complexity of the language of the 'genetic code'. Consider human awareness of good and evil, right and wrong. Music, love, compassion, courage, sacrifice, friendship and faithfulness. Can you seriously consider these things and then say that the notion of God's existence is ridiculous? - michae1

Since none of the things you mention has any bearing on the existence of God, yes I can. - Giford

Robert Shapiro, a professor of chemistry and a DNA 'expert' calculated: The probability of the coincidental formation of the 2000 types of proteins found in a single bacteria was found to be in the order of 10 ^ -40000. Doesn't that lead to us thinking that the likelihood of the spontaneous formation of life from inanimate matter to be EXTREMELY unlikely ? - warner

All the maths does is show that that it took ages before that size of molecule was created. Indeed, in his book 'Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth ' [Shapiro] comes to the conclusion after looking at all the options that life began here AND that the complicated DNA/RNA we have now was due to a lengthy process of evolution. - 3Dots

Reading List

Darwin's Black Box - Michael Behe

Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea - Carl Zimmer

God: The Failed Hypothesis - Victor j Stenger

God and the New Physics - Paul Davies

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