Scottish Researcher's Meet up

2 Conversations

Saturday 5 August 2000, was the day. The Scott Monument on Princess Street, Edinburgh was the meeting point. A call had gone out for any Scottish researchers interested in seeing what some of the others looked like and the response was great.

The Attendees

From L-R Back Row: Peet, Lost in Scotland, Babel-17, Demon Drawer, Spiny

Front: Fashion Cat, Joanna, Dr. E Vibenstien, Underground Caroline

Taking Picture was Uncle Wiggley, not then signed up

Unfortunately we managed to not meet up with
Crescent or

Who must have been in the area as we moved off, and did try and call Lost's phone which sadly had no power. At least they meet up with each other and we did try every way of locating them, including posting another phone number on site, and a daring search party wearing h2g2 t-shirts and brandishing towels.

On to Cyberia

After underground Caroline noticed that the bench we were sitting on was dedicated to someone with the same name as her father, and DD turned up having had train connection problems at Ayr, the 7 Scottish, 1 English (Joanna), 1 Northern Irish (DD) and 1 Swedish (Lost in Scotland) researchers headed to a nearby internet cafe for some coffee. After all we had Babel-17, summer caretaker of the Aroma Cafe, with us, if only he knew how to drink coffee.

While there we signed a Scottish pound note which Joanna was given in her change at Falkirk station, got Alex an h2g2 account (so Uncle Wiggley was born) and posed for the web cam and Coelacanth captured them and put it in last weeks post.

Standing Orders

Eventually the call of Alcohol got the better of the motley crew and as none of them were under age the headed to a local hostelry. Large amounts of alcoholic beverages were consumed and table 42 was located but according to FC was occupied by 'cute looking guys'. Well many subjects were discussed of which many have faded into the distant realms of forgetfulness, but a good time was had by all. As you can see below in a group pic from much, much later.

Background L-R: Peet, FC, DD, Uncle Wiggley, Underground Caroline, Lost, Dr. EV

Foreground: Mrs. Jane Babel-17, sex_kitten

The Departures

Spiny had to leave early, he plans with the wife but he was there for the first round. Sex_Kitten conveniently joined us just as Spiny left, and the drinks flowed. Underground Caroline had to nip off to deposit her groceries but returned, eventually Jane dragged Babel-17 kicking and screaming away from us.However then trains and buses beckoned as the time approahed 11 and so the final round was drunk or spilled see the log. EV and Joanna headed for a bus to Falkirk, Peet and Alex headed for their bus, Caroline headed off to lead her drunken parents in, and DD, FC and sex_kitten headed out clubbing depositing Lost at easyeverything en route.

See Joanna's Photos
Peet's Pics
Fashion Cat's Photos
and Dr. E Vibenstien's Photos no doubt more will follow

Reporter Demon Drawer

Photos by Joanna (Princess of Darkness and Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman)

1Mrs. Babel (AKA Jane) Turned up later for a Drink

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