The Log
Created | Updated Apr 10, 2003
As an Aid memoire to the events of the Scottish researchers meet up DD was handed a piece of paper and a pen the following events were noted1.
- 14:30 DD's phone rings on train, he informs FC he is 15 minutes out of Edinburgh.
- 15:20 Crowd move on the Cyberia in Hanover Street.
About this time apparently Tweetie turns up at Scott Monument, followed by Crescent.
Crescent's Contact Crisis
- Called 15:30 we found out 16:00
- Called 17:26 we found out 18:10
Meanwhile back with the group
- 16:00 Alex gets himself a h2g2 persona
- 17:00 Group move on to Standing orders
- 17:30 approx Spiny says bye
20:00 DD wets his pants, I still vouch I was knocked.
20:11 Caroline wets her pants (during her first G'n'T)
20:13 Party gets told to shut up. (singing MI theme too loudly)
20:57 Caroline Part Deux
21:00 Babel-17 downs pint in 4 minutes to meet other half. He persuades her to come in.
21:04 sex_kitten (at this time just known as Will) Wets his pants
21:40 Will part deux
22:03 Babel-17 and wife leave the party.
22:19 Fashion Cats wets DD's pants (note from FC 'And really enjoys it' note from sex_kitten 'there's a barrier girl')
22:21 see 22:19
22:26 see above
22:36 FC puts wet glass on lap
22:37 Lost in Scotland wets his shoes
22:37 FC admits she's still with first guy.
22:39 Will blows a Bacardi Breezer through his nose
22:42 Lost drops Ice down Wills back (Will likes it)
22:50 DD again
23:15 EV and Joanna head for train, DD is persuaded to stay and go clubbing by FC and sex_kitten
23:45 FC Again
23:46 FC goes to change
23:52 FC after consultation removes Snoopy bra in public bar
24:-- FC, sex_kitten and DD head to CC's
They drop Lost in Scotland at easyeverything en route
24:-- sex_kitten does FC's make up on the street
03:25 the three leave CC's (more details may follow)
05:00 FC, sex_kitten and DD arrive at FC's