A Conversation for Helmut Kohl

Mr Cabbage to you!!!

Post 1

Damon the Demon

Only Germany could have a leader whose name translates into Mr Cabbage.

Mr Cabbage to you!!!

Post 2


The question is, what was first, the cabbage or Helmut Kohl

Mr Cabbage to you!!!

Post 3


hummm.. is that gonna be the intellectual high tide of this forum now? *g* the prob about helmut kohl is not rellay that his head is bear shaped (incidentally, pear, or, german, birne, is a term of abuse for a head that is suspected of having little or no content) , or that his name translates into cabbage, or anyhting... the problem about the man is that due to the reunification of germany, he has actually (and justly so, i guess) established himself as a statesman with the best of them, but now, since the affair about the criminal accounts and sutff has started, he has resorted to the behaviour of a very petty criminal and so have those around him.. he does not even act like a crook with some instinct of honour but just like a pickpocket trying to escape his first arrest... and that's just sad, a very very bad sing for the state germany is in (which is actually still the bad state 16 years of kohl gouvernment have brought it into)

smiley - smiley


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