A Conversation for Alexander the Great
The Question of Roxanna
mamuomar Started conversation Mar 13, 2008
Rukhsana is an Asian name and that was the name of Alexander's pregnant wife. I can get you a reference on when and where they were married.
They were married in Afghanistan. Apparently, it was the need for a pure blood heir that stopped Roxanna's children ascending to the throne. European and not Afgan blood would have been pure to the paranoia of the people then.
My theory is that Roxanna perhaps fell ill or lost her child because of her competition with her co-wife. (is that the right term?)
There were no heirs because he liked mixing blood and we know how Europe felt about pure blood back in those days.
Sad old world.
The Question of Roxanna
Elentari Posted Mar 13, 2008
Yes indeed, intermarriage was not popular with many of his officers.
Thanks for reading!
The Question of Roxanna
mamuomar Posted Mar 13, 2008
its probably what made him go mad, hitting the bottle in Babylon
The Question of Roxanna
Elentari Posted Mar 13, 2008
Maybe, but I think he was a pretty heavy drinker before that!
The Question of Roxanna
mamuomar Posted Mar 13, 2008
there's heavy drinking and there's
y is no-one talking 2me?"
isn't there
slips off for a quiet
The Question of Roxanna
U168592 Posted Mar 13, 2008
And a second laugh for Alex with a Connery lilt.
Here ish the man who wash making ready to crossh from Europe to Ashia, and who cannot even crossh from one table to another without loshing hish balance...
The Question of Roxanna
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Mar 13, 2008
Enjoyed this. Especially the origin of Alexandropoulis, a town I visited when I lived in Thrace. Wow. All that history in a sleepy little place...
The people on the island of Samothraki claimed that Alexander was illegimate for the following reason: in ancient times, they said, there was a huge Temple of the Great Gods, still there as a ruin, though the original Winged Victory is in the Louvre...
Women who couldn't get pregnant spent the night in the temple and were, er, 'visited by gods'.
The cynical shepherds I met claimed this was how come Alexander thought he was the son of a god.
True or not, history lives on, even as rumour.
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The Question of Roxanna
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