A Conversation for Space Hoppers

Space Hopper Humour

Post 1

The Apprentice

My personal favourite anecdote about Space Hoppers comes from Harry Hill.

When he was a kid his dad secretly filled his Space Hopper with Orange Fanta fizzy drink. So, next time Harry went out on the Hopper, he thought 'Seems a little sluggish...' at the extra weight... he stopped and found that orange liquid was oozing out of the bottom. He asked his dad what it was... 'Space Hopper blood', replies his dad, 'It's dying. Take it upstairs, tuck it into bed and wait for the end.' So, Harry took the Hopper upstairs, tucked up the Hopper and waited for the inevitable. His dad came in and stepped up next to young Harry as more orange blood leaked from the ailing Hopper, 'It's dying lad. Give it a kiss. Go on. Say goodbye.' So, Harry leans in and gives it a kiss, at which point his Dad pulls out a camera and takes a picture. The next day, Harry discovers his picture on the front page of the local free newspaper, kissing the Space Hopper, with the headline 'Harry with his New Girlfriend'. He asked his Dad, 'What did you do that for?' - to which his Dad answered 'I had to use up the film!'

(OK... it's probably the way you tell 'em - but it made me laugh...)

The Apprentice

Space Hopper Humour

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

smiley - laugh

Space Hopper Humour

Post 3

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

You gotta lurve Harry.smiley - applause

smiley - mouse

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