A Conversation for Socrates


Post 1

Albino Lagomorph

Thankyou Smiley Ben (that image on your page is almost TOO happy) for editing the thing. I love it when the entry looks all pretty with title's and things... I just don't know how to. Ho-hum, back to writing English literature essays; lovely.


Post 2

Smiley Ben

I must confess that the titles are down to the editors, if I recall correctly, but yes, they are nice.

It's always nice to have feedback - especially positive - cheers. smiley - smiley


Post 3


Has anyone read 'sophies world' by joestein gaardner, its an excellent book which gives a full history of philosphy in its story.


Post 4

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Yep. I've got it on my book shelf in front of me now. I read it first when I was in Sixth form and it is one of the things that prompted me to take philosophy as my undergraduate degree. smiley - smiley


Post 5

Albino Lagomorph

Sophie's world is an excellent book. Very rarely do you get an overview of the most influential philosophers in one book so briefly. It helps you to compare the ideas... top stuff.


Post 6


Howdy, Albino, liked the entry, going to put a link to it in the Prominent People wing of the h2g2 Historical Society, which can be found here: http://www.h2g2.com/A280649

Cheers, Mustapha


Post 7

Albino Lagomorph

Wow, I dunno what to say. "Cheers" being the topic of this particular entry I think I'll say just that... Cheers.
smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 8


Probably lingering memories of Monty Python and the Bruces' Philosopher Song... smiley - smiley

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