A Conversation for Grinnell, Iowa, USA
Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric Started conversation Mar 21, 2000
I'm intrigued to know how a town can be in the top 100 for raising children. Does this mean copious amounts of breeding or is it down to the quality of the breeding and if so how on earth do you judge it?
On re-reading this comment I sense a touch of sarcasm. If so, it is not aimed at the author of the article, just at whoever thought up this top 100.
Gavroche Posted Jul 6, 2000
Ahhh...I see your confusion.
It is not ranked in the top 100 towns for the number of children it has raised, or the quality of children it has raised.
It is ranked in the top 100 towns to raise a child in. That is, variables such as amount of pollution, quality of education, amount of crime, etc are measured. When a certain formula is performed involving these variables, Grinnell falls in the top 100.
Theoretically, a town could be ranked #1 without having any children within the town -- though I'm sure the ranking of this hypothetical town would be somewhat hindered by the complete lack of an educational system.
Regading the Final Word: In short, Grinnell is the perfect place for young couples with small children, working adults, and the elderly.
It is also a wonderful place for college students...or at least so I thought the years I spent there.
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