A Conversation for Grinnell, Iowa, USA

So, when are they going to build it?

Post 1


Hi there. In reading your bit about Grinnel, I assume that you were born there, or have spent a lot of growing up time there. I'm new to Iowa.My family moved here about 2 years ago from Colorado...please oh please don't ask me why. We are constantly asked this question and so far we haven't come up with a good answer aside from temporary insanity.
At any rate, what lured us was Iowa's distant pleas for newcomers. Up close the pleas still seem distant. When you described Grinnel, you descirbed the little burg we happened to move to, in a physical way, sans the college, KFC and DQ. The medical staff is excellant, and when I turn 80 I would consider spending my last days here. The excitement level would be just right for me by then. But for now we are trying real hard to find a niche in the farming communtiy in which everyone appears to be related in one form or another. You also have to have the right last name for special privilidges too. Is it the same in Grinnel? Your description seems to be more of the geo-topographical kind rather than political. Had you been talking about my neck of the woods, you would have grossly mistated the age-groups that would benefit from such a place. Birth to 5, and then 70-110. Please, let me have it straight, is all of Iowa the same?

So, when are they going to build it?

Post 2


Here's the thing, I've lived in Iowa the majority of my life and know nothing of the places either of you have described. Where the gravel begins my knowledge sort of fades out. I've spent some time in various cities in all regions of this nation, and the cities all seem basically the same to me. Walmart, Sears, Starbucks, and McDonalds. Just more or less of it. But the rural bits, the places only a few miles from my home, I know nothing about.
I suppose I should note that scenerey does change. At least in Colorado you had some buena vistas.

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So, when are they going to build it?

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