A Conversation for Shaving

Major Drag

Post 1


I'm sorry, but I find shaving such a drag each morning (even with an electric razor) that I try to get away without doing it for as long as possible. As I'm fair-haired and in a tolerent workplace, I can usually go a week without shaving. It's bliss (apart from the prickly feeling when you turn over on your pillow at night).

Colonel Pull-Along

Post 2


It's a pain in the a** but then I guess it should be my face I'm shaving anyway.

For a really cool trip why not have a go with leg wax.
Painfull as hell but you won't have to shave for weeks!!

Colonel Pull-Along

Post 3


My beard grows so densely that I'd probably rip my face off if I tried waxing. Although, if it works, it might be worth trying...

Wonder if they have internet access in hospital?


Colonel Pull-Along

Post 4


I hate shaving too. I usually go for three or four days without shaving if I can, because I hate it so much.

Reasons to hate shaving.....

Blood on the hand towels,
The scraping of the blade against your skin,
When long hairs catch and pull, rather than cut,
Aftershave that stings,
Missing a bit,
Difficulty in watching what you are doing under your chin.

Feel free to add to this list.

Colonel Pull-Along

Post 5


I also hate shaving. My beard grows so thickly that I would have to shave twice aeach day. So I gave up. I haven't picked up a razor in three years. Now I just use scissors when I occasionaly choose to re-shape my face.smiley - winkeye

Wax on, wax off

Post 6


erm... as a girl who has waxed numerous times... I'm not sure you can get a good enough skin tension on the face to wax well. Plus, the chin would present an interesting problem due to all its curves.

If you still want to try, I personally recommend a room-temperature sugar solution as opposed to wax for two main reasons:
1) Water-soluble means easier to clean
2) You don't have to heat it up before you use it.

Oh, and I also suggest using the thicker stuff and learning to pull it with your thumb as opposed to the creamier stuff for strips. Strips are really annoying to apply and messy as well as having a more intricate clean-up process. When you use the thick stuff, it all stays stuck to your thumb. But if you work it too hard and it gets too soft, it'll stick to your face (coz it's thick) and then you'd better wash it off because otherwise you'll pull skin.

Wax on, wax off

Post 7


Thanks for the tips.

Another option now is laser treatment. I understand it should be permanent. Has anyone tried it?

Wax on, wax off

Post 8


I did see a report about a drug they use on sheep which stops all hair growth, so instead of having to shear them, they just peel them.

I wonder if loosing *all* your hair would be worth it?

Having no eyebrows would be a bit strange, especially in the rain.

Feel the burn...

Post 9


Yes, I have tried laser treatment. However, since my hairs are finer than most men's I know, I'm not sure how it will apply for men.

Basically, it takes at least three treatments (depending on how fair-skinned and light-haired you are), about 6-8 weeks apart. After that, they can either do spots or more full treatments, depending on how much growth you still have. You see, it depends on whether the hairs are in their resting phases or not. Anyway, you must avoid the sun for 6 wks before and after each treatment, and if you are not already pale-faced, you must use a lightening cream for 2-4 wks before the treatment. I will admit all the before/afters I saw were tolerably Caucasian or Asian.

They have this big machine which has a pen-like device on a long cord. If you have the new Alexandrite system, it blasts your skin with a cooling spray just before the laser fires (to burn your hair in the follicle). It's not painful as much as startling at first and slightly uncomfortable, and I have a low pain tolerance. When it's done, your face feels kinda funny (all those singed hairs). If you're very sensitive, you'll puff up and be red for up to a few days. I was lucky and didn't show any reaction.

Let's see, it's much faster and more painless than electrolysis, since they're not attacking hair by hair, nor is it invasive. Basically, at the frequency of about 2 "flashes" ever 3 seconds, they can cover the lower face (sideburns, jawline, stray cheek hairs, upper lip, chin, neck) within 30 minutes.

I can't make a judgement quite yet on how effective this method is, because I've only finished my first treatment and will continue soon. Cheers!

Wax on, wax off

Post 10


Well, I know a woman who, through some hormonal problem, lost all her hair in puberty. She had eyebrows tattooed on and wears a wig, and I didn't notice until I was very close up and asked if her eyebrows were painted on. *shrug* $.02

Feel the burn...

Post 11


What about the cost? Do you know how much it is likely to be for a whole leg (well, 2, naturally)? And isn't it supposed to work better on darker hair? Do they know much about the long term effects on the skin?

Sorry to ask so many questions, but it's something I've contemplated, but am a little scared.


Feel the burn...

Post 12


How soon before you know how well it works?
I've considered it too, but it does seem a bit scary.
(Did the person doing it look at you and say "The Force is strong in this one." before going for you with the laser?)
Would it work for me? I'm Caucasian with dark beard growth. I tend to get five-o'clock shadow as fast as Homer Simpson. (Hope you've seen that one, other wise that won't make much sense. Lets just say that's very quickly after shaving.)

Feel the burn...

Post 13

C Hawke

So Blue we meet again, never did give you that one million altarian dollars. Confused. In the other thread you say you have an electric razor but it's better for other things. Do you use it on your legs? and is it a linear one or a spinning blade type thing.


Feel the burn...

Post 14


Hmm... I don't know how much legs cost. I can ask (I do have to set up my next appointment)... you want whole as opposed to knee-down, I take it?

And I *think* though they didn't quite say it that the ideal is a strong contrast between light skin and dark hair. I would suggest that if you're really interested, call around and see if any places offering it give free consultations. If they don't, I'd be hesitant -- they're asking you to pay before hearing the sales pitch. Oh, most places will send you free documentation on all the treatments they offer, but for some odd reason (hmm, wonder why? *g*) they don't include price lists or really technical details like just what kind of hair it works best on.

Oh, and about using that electric shavor? My mom had this electric manicure set that basically had all these different heads with files, buffs, and so on as well as a shaver attachment. That tool was my best friend untill it went kaput.

Feel the burn...

Post 15


Yup... the WHOLE leg. Color contrast shouldn't be a problem, as my legs so rarely see the light of day. And don't worry - nowhere will part me from my money before I'm good and ready. I'll try to find a reputable establishment.



Post 16


Try the sugaring system too.
Much less painful than wax but far stickier

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