A Conversation for Nicknames
Police vehicles in Oz
silverygibbon Started conversation Sep 12, 2007
Following on from the Black Mariah;
In Australia police pursuit cars have been known as "Candys" (short for Candy Cars): big, fast V8s usually painted in dayglo yellow, orange, electric blue or white with lurid striping.
Then there is the ubiquitous "Divvy Van". Our equivalent of the Black Mariah, it is a utility or panel van with a lockup cage at the back. Famed in (usually drunken) song, if you're picked up by the wallopers (cops - now there's an organization with lots of nicknames!!!!) after a night on the tiles, you generally exit to a rousing chorus of "You'regoin'homeinthebackofadivvyvan".
Clap clapclapclap clapclapclap clapclap clapclapclap
Incidentally, the "gibbon" part of my nick here is a fairly common one for me in RL. Someone once asked what my favorite animal was, and they obviously thought it was unique enough (or perhaps strange enough) to stick.
Police vehicles in Oz
turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...) Posted Jul 9, 2008
Staying with police cars, here in the UK patrol cars were always 'Panda cars' when I was younger but that seems to have faded out. Traffic cars were alway 'Jam Sandwiches' because they were generally white with a red stripe along the middle.
I have never had a nickname, perhaps because of the fact that my real name is short. None of my family had one either.
Police vehicles in Oz
Vestboy Posted Jul 9, 2008
Hi Topsy! There, you've got one!
I bet you're glad I didn't pick pervy or curvy.
Maurice Couve de Murville (1929 - 2007) was nicknamed Curvy Murvy by some church staff as he was being appointed Archbishop in Birmingham.
Police vehicles in Oz
turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...) Posted Jul 9, 2008
Topsy was the other half of the duo.
Our first two cats were Topsy and Turvy. Topsy lasted for about 2 years and was killed on the local main road and Turvy lasted for 17 years! She was a totally blue-grey moggy (not a white mark on her) and ran the house with an iron fist in a fur glove. She had a nickname - Madame
Police vehicles in Oz
Vestboy Posted Jul 9, 2008
My sister's cat Mrs Jones died aged 24. That's about a million in cat years isn't it?
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Police vehicles in Oz
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