The Trouble With Democracy

2 Conversations

...It's a Point of View, innit? Anyone who wants to can add to this collection of minor (?) prejudices and so celebrate the Tyranny of the Proletariat. Just post to the Convo, below. There's a (shocking pink) badge in it for you... smiley - ok...

Pin and the Gang


  • I think that the Daily Mail is an informative journal.
  • I think that a little bit of Princess Diana is still with us.
  • I think that we should pay nurses more because they deserve it.
  • I think that teachers have got it easy, working 9 'til 4 with all those long holidays.
  • I think that today's degree is no better than a school leaving certificate.
  • I think that having a legal minimum wage is bound to cause more unemployment.
  • I think that, to control the ever-expanding North-South Divide, the London living allowance should be provided as a means-tested benefit rather than as an increase in wages.
  • I think that the Queen does a good job.
  • I think that the Queen does a job.
  • I think it's a disgrace that we import so much stuff from overseas, just because it's cheaper to produce over there.
  • I think we should leave Europe altogether - all those Brussels Eurocrats do is make rules on our affairs, like how straight our bananas should be.
  • I think people on the continent don't wash as often as we do. They just put on more deodorant.
  • I think there's no proper beer on the continent.
  • I think it's disgraceful, all this fuss about French food. The English care about food at least as much as the French. I like a good Indian myself.
  • I think that young people today have no respect.
  • I think that David deserved to win Fame Academy, because he sings nice songs and will grow up into a respectful young man.
  • I think that modern art is a load of rubbish. They're just always trying to be different.
  • I think that if God had wanted mankind to fly he would have given us wings.
  • I think that Pet Passports are a good idea.
  • I think that the coalminers and shipbuilders did themselves out of their jobs by demanding such high wages.
  • I think that we should build power stations and that sort of thing somewhere else where there's already lots of industry. We need them, I know, but we mustn't spoil it round here.
  • I think that we should build the prisons up there too.
  • I think that what they're doing to the countryside is a shame. Those poor farmers.
  • I think that the asylum-seekers and other immigrants should all be sent back to where they came from, because they're ruining the economy.
  • I think that there are too many darkies on television these days. Have you noticed how there are far fewer on the radio?
  • I think that Africa's only a mess because we're not in charge anymore. I bet if you asked one of them, they'd say things were better when the white men were in charge.
  • I think those black football players are very tricky, but they can't play when it's cold and the pitch is muddy.
  • I think that if they're coming to live in our country they should live by our traditions.
  • I think that men should do the driving. Women don't have the same natural ability with technical things.
  • I think that women should stay at home and look after the kids.
  • I think that men use their vote more intelligently than women. Women only go and choose the candidate who dresses best. They don't really have a clue about politics.
  • I think that Mr Punch has got it about right. A great British tradition, of course. There's nothing wrong with putting Judy firmly in her place when she asks for it.
  • I think that the rise in abortions is due to contraceptives having been made so easily accessible for teenagers.
  • I think that we should reintroduce a few other Victorian traditions while we're at it. The workhouse would be a good start.
  • I think that there are too many cars on the road. I can never find a space to park my Range Rover.
  • I think homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to call themselves gay. It used to mean happy and they're not happy, you know.
  • I think that homosexuals and other child molesters should be banned from working with children.
  • I think that a little slap now and again teaches a child an important lesson.
  • I think that my vote is a good as yours.
  • I don't think...

The Pinniped Portfolio


Assisted by: loup.dargent
Montague Trout
Ancient Brit

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