A Conversation for Cocktail Sticks
Exploding Containers
Doug Dastardly Started conversation May 14, 1999
Why do coctail sticks always come in containers that inevitably fall apart and scatter the sticks everywhere when all you want is one...
Exploding Containers
Researcher 112335 Posted Feb 20, 2000
The afore-mentioned 'exploding containers' have been especially designed in order that after using the set amount of cocktail-sticks you require on that occasion, the rest are then thrown away (as this is generally far easier that finding a second, more suitable container). This inevitably leads to an increase of sales and therefore keeps the cocktail-stick industry in business... obviously!
Of course if you only want one cocktail-stick at any given point, then the profit margins of the manufacturers rise dramatically!
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Exploding Containers
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