A Conversation for Hell

You called

Post 1

AKA Satan

You have summoned me from the deepest darkest depths of hell, is there something I can do for you?

You called

Post 2


Are u Bill Gates?

You called

Post 3

Jimi X

Do you like the nickname 'Old Goaty Legs'?? smiley - smiley


Post 4

Zak T Duck

You cannot be the real satan, that's me. I am the one destined to ride the Earth on the back of a black mountain bike at the end of all eternity, along with my three other minions.

Begone imposter!


Post 5

Jimi X

Err, who are your minions?


Post 6

Zak T Duck

The other Cyclists of the Apocalypse are Beer, Gloating and Flatulence

You called

Post 7


I'm betting he's Kathie Lee Gifford


Post 8

Jimi X

And do your minions h2g2?


Post 9


What the hell is a minion and why does everyone claim to have them? If you don't is it a minioff?


Post 10

Zak T Duck

Currently, I am the only voice the Cyclists of the Apocalypse have on H2G2 until I can persuade them otherwise to join, which shouldn't be long off I hope.


Post 11

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

My Bob, you ARE phony!

It's the Five Riders of the clapoyspe, Riders! And they don't have Goaty Legs, they have goatees to their legs. It's a common misunderstanding.


Post 12

Shelly Cashman Quasney

Umm.. I'm a minion. I'm the cyclist formerly known as "Flatulence." Ha, ha ha. Oh, ouch. No, really. I'm just the minion known as "Annoying ATM Fees."


Post 13


So if some of you are representing the four cyclists of the apocalypse, I don't suppose you know what comes behind you, do you? I heard a rumour there'd be a giant stampede of duck-billed platypuses which would take care (by trampling) of anything the previous lot missed. The final few platypuses would be responsible for laying down dust sheets so that the Antichrist could keep his feet clean. Whether this is true or not I have no idea.


Post 14

Zak T Duck

I do know what is coming actually.
It is the mutant star goat that missed you all last time.


Post 15

Shelly Cashman Quasney

Afterwards? I have no idea. We're just schleps who get minimum wage. The "Big Guy" keeps us in the dark.


Post 16


It wasn't a mutant star goat, it was a gigantic swarm of twelve-foot pirahna bees or something like that.

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