Escape Pod Dreams - 46

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'Meanwhile, in a stench-packing factory in Saigon...'

The New New blob

Some things just have to be done in order to educate the youth in the proper manner. Some things just have to become a part and parcel of their emergent psyches and social awareness. Otherwise, all is lost and it will soon be as if it never was.

Unlike many TV shows, books and movies, or even comics, when I first discovered The Goon Show, it became a part of my life.

I found the scripts first, in a public library in Santa Cruz, California, during a time when I was living on the streets. I had no idea what I held in my hands, but I sat down and read almost the entire volume (Vol II, I believe, with The Man Who Wasn't There) in one sitting.

It was years before I found some of the tapes in a place called ½ Price Books in Austin, Texas.

It was during a time when we didn't have a TV, by choice, and Shnooks (who was three or four) and I would sit at the dining room table and listen to tapes or the radio while I wrote and drew and she desecrated paper with crayons, finger paints and markers.

I haven't sat down and listened to many of the tapes in a long time. Sometimes I put one in when I am doing the dishes.

I did so about a week ago and Shnooks came in and said the gag line before Bluebottle did.

I was so happy. At least I've done something right. She hadn't heard that program for at least five years.

More white lies and poorly understood but oft-repeated jokes:

1. 8:57 AM
One smiley mask, one un-smiley mask.



2. 9:57 AM
"Now we are going to drop a giant maraschino cherry... in the middle of Lake Superior."


Needlenoddlenoo, to name but a few.

3. 10:57 AM
Billy the Mountain


Well, now, I wouldn't say that!

Do you deny it?

No, but I wouldn't say it.

4. 11:57 AM
Tiddly Pong! An old journal entry.

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

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