Z - Highlights

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What follows are some examples of guide pages that I was involved in.
I either wrote these or edited them. In one way or another I helped to get them in the Guide.

Is this tootin' my own horn? Yeah probably. It's healthy, don'tcha think? Don't tell me you don't toot yer own horn now and then...

  • Blair Witch
    '' I used to date a friend of Heather Donahue. She never came back... ''
  • Corsairs
    '' A half dozen late twentieth century blokes who have never set foot on a boat and wouldn't know their starboard from their portsmain.. ''
  • dada
    '' This artistic movement was in protest against the oppressive governments that tried to shut up the creative muse and the independent spirit. It was also a great way to meet girls... ''
  • Divorce
    '' This is wholly and remarkably inefficient; which is precisely the way most seem to like it... ''
  • Frank Zappa
    '' I'll do the stupid thing first and then you shy people follow... ''
  • George C. Scott
    ''...Scott had an arsenal of movies under his belt that includes some of the best works in cinematic history... ''
  • Halloween
    '' Notice that we're still celebrating dead people here. Catholicism just limited it to good dead people and said to hell with everyone else. ''
  • Janeane Garofalo
    '' ..Garofalo shed thirty-five pounds and ...then spoke publically about how she suddenly seemed much more talented in the eyes of the entertainment industry... ''
  • Mickey's Hitch Hiker's Guide: the MOVIE
    '' This film will not be made for you and me... This film will be made for the uninitiated... ''
  • Neil Gaiman's Sandman
    '' The actual origins of this tale are lost in the sands of time, and may predate written history, as one generation to the next passed along this little thought form... ''
  • Pubs in North Central Texas
    '' We have pubs... actually we have bars that call themselves pubs... ''
  • Prayer in Schools
    '' ...NOT having prayer in schools is the wrong direction. ..all the religions of the world should be allowed to freely and openly wreck havoc on the student assemblies of this great country of ours... ''
  • Shakespeare
    '' Shakespeare was a hack. ''
  • Spoilers
    '' ...if you do not wish to have every form of media known to Mankind that YOU personally have not yet seen ruined for you, please leave the room. ''
  • Towels
    '' A big towel can be used ... for those moments when dressing like a bathroom super hero is the only way
    of escaping trouble, or getting into it. ''
  • Trousers versus Pants
    '' In America, trousers are called pants and pants are called shorts or underpants. In Great Britain, underpants are called pants and pants are called trousers. Brits.. find this more amusing than Americans.. ''
  • Truth
    '' This isn't a question of faith, but a question of boredom. ''

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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