42FM Debate Channel

3 Conversations

smiley - Yes, it's the H2G2Radio 42FM Debate Channel,
hosted by the one and only Nerd42!

This show has now gone off the air.

You can read about it anyway if you like.

Read Nerd42's blog, the Nerd42 Nation.
WARNING: H2G2Radio 42FM is not responsible for any dumb, stupid, ignorant, insane, or politically incorrect things you may hear.
"The brains behind this microphone may not be the greatest the world has ever known. But they have the uncanny ability to make any mind-reader have an instant nervous breakdown just trying to cope with or even comprehend the enourmous volume of thought traffic processed here by me on a daily basis!"

The Wall of Flame has been moved to Nerd42's Space.

Make your voice heard!

Just like in a real talk show, don't worry if you've just tuned in - jump in at any time and say what you think!

[Caller] I think your show stinks!

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