A Conversation for The Stephanie Plum Novels by Janet Evanovich

Stephanie Plum vs Anita Blake?

Post 1


I've not read any Stephanie Plum novels, but your overview makes it sound like an enjoyable series!
And I have to wonder if a cross-over between Plum and Laurell K Hamilton's "Anita Blake" character is possible.

(For a quick summation, Anita Blake lives in a modern-day America, specifically St Louis, where vampires and magic are real. She is a "re-animator", that is, she can call dead people out of the ground, so you can ask them about their will, stuff like that. But she is also a vampire-hunter, leader of several groups, and juggles her normal life with her love affairs with a vampire and a werewolf. Hamilton's pacing and plot are fast and sassy, and Blake is a wonderful no-BS heroine.)

I doubt they've even considered it, but a cross-over between Plum and Blake would be a treat! smiley - ok

Stephanie Plum vs Anita Blake?

Post 2


I ambsolutely love Stephanie Plum novels and am about to get the twelfth. I can't wait for the paper back so will have to fork out the £17 for the hard back.

Great article.

SoRB emailsed me yesterday to say that it was on the front page of h2.

smiley - ok


Stephanie Plum vs Anita Blake?

Post 3


I've read a bout half the Anita Blake series, a friend loaned me some of the early books but I lost interest as the series changed focus. I've thought lately that I might try reading the first couple of books again to see if I like them or if I was just caught up in them being 'local lit'.

As far as a Blake/Plum cross-over, I'm not sure. Anita is probably a little too professional for Stephanie, their charms are different. That said, aside from the subject matter the two series share several themes, and I think my favourite characters in each have a lot in common (Edward and Ranger).

In a nutshell, I think the Plum books are more *fun*, and they get better as the series goes along. I hope you enjoy them smiley - ok

There's a lot of fan-fiction out there, I think there's a Yahoo group somewhere for it. Someone might have already given a cross-over a try smiley - smiley

Hi Alex! That was nice of him smiley - smiley. I started out with the whole series in paperback, then ended up with the last few in hard-cover because I couldn't wait for the paperbacks. It's well worth the price though smiley - winkeye

Stephanie Plum vs Anita Blake?

Post 4


I'm the same. The last few in hardcover. I couldn't wait. Have no. 12 now and loving it. It feels like home. smiley - smiley


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