A Conversation for A Brief Introduction to the Life and Works of John Milton
In the red corner
Binaryboy Started conversation Aug 29, 2003
Hi there Anhaga -
So you think that Paradise Lost is better than the Divine Comedy? I thought they were both pretty fantastic to be honest. But I prefer Dante because of how complex and inclusive it is, and because it's properly medieval (i.e. bonkers).
I suppose the main problem with Dante in English is still the Dorothy Sayers rhymed Penguin translation.
And one shameless plug. If you enjoy quasi-erudite literary discussion, you could do a lot worse than the discussion area of the Penguin Classics website.
In the red corner
anhaga Posted Aug 30, 2003
Did I say Paradise Lost was better than the Divine Comedy?
No. I didn't think so. I said it was "perhaps" the greatest in a modern language and that it compared "favourably" with the Divine Comedy. Personally I like Dante much much better than Milton, but I do think that Paradise Lost compares favourably with it, and many prefer Paradise Lost, so, I don't think I made any misrepresentation.
(I generally use Singleton's Bollingen prose translation with its facing Italian text so that I'm actually looking at what Dante wrote. Sometimes I look at Ciardi's translation)
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