Stuff and Nonsense

Hello there troops.

Binaryboy here.

Binaryboy's real name is Tom.

I thought I would brighten this up, because a lot of it isn't true since I wrote it back then. How much has changed over the space of about 18 months? Let's go back to Shed A to investigate.

Tom likes: Writing his book, not getting kicked in the head by large men, food in general, and any peculiarities of things in general.

Tom dislikes: Getting in the back of the van, tomato juice, computers and the internet. All of these in particular and with special malice.

I have not had any booze since St. Patricks Day, 2001. It has been much better than I have expected. I am now about 2 and a half stone lighter, and have an extra head. I don't have to worry about going to the loo when I'm drunk, or falling asleep on the train. The worst thing about not drinking is: you have to drink a lot of tomato juice. The best thing about not drinking is: everything else.

Not drinking also gives me more time to write my book. Currently, this is 61,000 words long. Many of these are big impressive words like "vomit" and "tango". It is not all silly. I will let you know when it gets published, as it surely will be. The tank of literary progress will not be halted by the bomb-dog of chaos.

Toot Toot



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