My Attic

0 Conversations

smiley - bigeyes

Official h2g2 Troublemaker (coz Alex Ashman said so, so there...smiley - tongueout)

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -

Welcome ,

smiley - cake Come in, sit down, put your feet up, have a cuppa! smiley - tea


You can find out about me and my family right here...
Great stuff, Annie!C

and you can thank Mrs Bojangles for this one:
theme music to the Flintstones

and this one: Special Chat Deluge Link... Which she got off Trin...smiley - tongueout

Keeper of the last living
Neanderthal and the Monkey Gene

Click here to help Feed the Hungry for free.

To learn some weird stuff about Neanderthals, catch the link above...

Or you could have a look at some

Neanderthal findings in Lebanon instead...

... and then release your tensions Neanderthal style with a bit of
Penguin Cricket.

I, Wilma Trogette of the Near Eastern Neanderthals, am a proud member of:

the procrastinators society

and here's a game designed just for us...
Gwaaan! Have a go

Or you could give yourself a headache untangling CWRU alumnus John Tantalo's Planarity
Angry Penguins?The Miffed Penguins Club for when you need to let off steam...
My favourite naff email:

Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day, so please send this message to someone you think fits this description. Please do not send it back to me as I have already received it from a Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman! And remember this motto to live by:

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
smiley - magic "WoooHoo!" smiley - diva "what a ride!" smiley - magic
The Random Quotes Guild banner

I have to share this because I believe this is the Meaning of Life:

The essence of it is that people will have to learn - on a Global Scale - to 'agree to disagree' where necessary, and get along
regardless. The alternative isn't really an alternative when you
think about it, is it?
- my favourite alchemist: AlKimiya (aka Davo Downunder)

In case you're interested, here are
my favourite links.

My all time hero and role model:

HooToo Glorious Prada HandBag Wielding Choccy Eating Jangly Goddess

... who has kindly provided me with a dodgycharacter reference:

I'd inflict dastardlyness upon you, for messing up my detention room, but first I must make a coulis de jous of Flagenthalpopsums, a very rare and precious fruit of which I am currently writing an entry on, of the Kwango Hibbidyhob tribe, of which I'm currently writing an entry on, that live in the Preflelooloo Islands that I discovered on safari with some other Boff people, which I'm currently writing an entry on.

*also makes jam and has the vicar round for tea*

Oh! and just in case you'd like to join the Chocolate Lovers' Society...
Lady on a cocoa bean
Give/Adopt Here!
smiley - panda
I have adopted Daisy, an alien dusky titi monkey

Darkside Badge courtesy of Straighttalker

Member of The Darkside
(with cookies)


You could go to the
H2G2 Stats Page to see what's happening....

I've been told that I *must* put some personal info on here, so i did this quiz... but if you really knew me - you'd fall oFF yer chair laffin'!! Read on:

Your Birthdate: August 4

You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.

Your sincerity and honesty shine through in almost every situation.

Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.

You're level headed and rational.

People count on your to look at things objectively.

Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics

Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness

Your power color: Navy blue

Your power symbol: Shield

Your power month: April
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
smiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouthsmiley - smiley - footinmouth

oh, ... and 2*(19+2*(5/5*1)) = 42

... and +

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