Escape Pod Dreams - 25
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2003
The case for putting the tots back in the mills and teaching them by telepathy...

There used to be an old black telephone in the garage.
I used it to ring up people that I needed to tell me how to fix my old VW, the air-cooled sort.
That phone got so greasy, but it was Bakelite, so it didn't really take much to clean it.
Nowadays, you can eat a phone with the right mixture of cosmetics and deep-fryer residue.
How very fascinating.
Once upon a time, you could go along the road and the alleys and if you had enough cement mix or could come up with your own recipe, you could gather enough bricks and bottles and cans to build a decent building, if you knew how.
Nowadays everything is PET and flimsy, except for the tomato and citrus juice cans.
Oil cans don't exist anymore.
Tobacco doesn't come in tins.
Cars are made of soybean by product.
Engines are made of ceramic compounds.
Boker even makes knives whose blades are made of a ceramic.
Levis used to have linings in the pockets.
Things ain't what they used to was.