A Conversation for A Brief Introduction to the Czech Language
Uncle Ghengis Started conversation May 28, 2003
The only word I remember of Czech, was an informal greeting (equivalent to "Hi!") - spelt "Ahoj!" - but pronounced "A-hoy!"
Number Six Posted May 28, 2003
I remember that too... I liked it very much, and started using it when attempting to start transactions with elderly tobacconists and newspaper-sellers and the like, but kept being surprised when they didn't really respond. Eventually my Czech-speaking friend pointed out that the Czechs only really use it when talking to their mates - although he reckoned I'd probably have scored 'cute tourist' points with them!
brilliantlyAddled Posted Jun 8, 2014
Yeah, you're absolutely right. My (non-Czech) dad was told off by my (Czech) mum for getting much too familiar to this man selling us Metro tickets! You'd use "dobrĂ½ den" instead - literally "good day", for strangers. But again, you'd be well-respected for at least trying to communicate! People are instantly more amicable when they see people making an effort, and seeing as English lessons are compulsory until 18 (I believe), they may actually respond in English, smoothing the way for decent conversation!
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