Ben's Recipe Book

2 Conversations

Created originally with the intention of expanding Odo's horizons as far as imaginative but simple cookery goes, but obviously if anyone likes the sound of any of these, feel free to steal them. I have something of an aversion to mushrooms and sweet peppers, hence the lack of them in my recipes. Apologies if they're your favourites, but you'll have to look elsewhere.

Any feedback or suggestions for recipes you'd like to see much appreciated!

Store Cupboard Essentials

Eggs and Dairy

Ben's Baked Eggs

Huevos Rancheros


Bulghur Wheat Salad

Hot Savoy Salad

Fish and Seafood

Chinese Poached Tuna

Thai Spicy King Prawn Broth

Rice, Pasta and Lentils

Gnocchi Vesuvio

Osh - A Persian Herby Soup

'Roger Milla' 3-Lentil and Chorizo Stew


Chicken Khania

Chicken Tikka Balti Ceylon

Coriander Chutney Wraps

Duck and Two Peppercorn Terrine

Jerk Chicken Wraps

Peri-peri Chicken

Sticky Chicken Wings

Turkey and Black Bean Stir-fry




Lincolnshire Delight

Odo's Favourite Pork and Cabbage

Pork and Cider Casserole

Vietnamese Pork Sandwich

White Pudding-stuffed Pork with a Cider-Flavoured Velouté

Beef and Lamb

Black and Blue Steak

Shepherds' Pie

Souvlaki Lamb and Roast Fennel Kebabs

Side Dishes, Starters and Light Bites

Antipasti Pyramids

Green Bean Bhaji

Saag Paneer

Sauces and Stuff

Greek Tapenade

Nut-Free Pesto

'Special' Indian Chutney

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