Diagon Alley

5 Conversations

The enterence gate to Diagon Alley closes behind you as you walk, awe-struck, into the alley filled with crowds of witches and wizards talking excitedly about the up-coming Quiditch match, or the latest tome of majikal adventures, or the newest racing broom. Shops line the street on both sides.

A customer walking in Diagon Alley

Across the alley, directly opposite the gate and looming above all else is Gringotts Bank. A sign by Gringotts Bank proclaims the exchange rates of wizarding money. "1 Galleon (gold)=17 Sickles(silver). 1 Sickle=29 Knuts (copper).

Across from the Assassin's Dagger is the Quality Quidditch Supply Shop and next to it's door is another sign, which denotes the prices for the week.

Just a few yards down the street is the Assassin's Dagger a wondeful store for all your self defence needs.

Just a few yards down the street is the Divine Wand Shoppe

In between the Assassin's Dagger and the Divine Wand Shoppe is Pricy Prizes

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