
Alowha! I be nessieoftheshorthair, I am currently ignoring my impending graduation and residing at a widely known planet called:

'Everycloudhasasilverlining-right?' whose inhabitants never worry too much when disastor strikes every Tuesday as everything will work out alright as it always has done in the past.
n.b. this planet is not be confused with it's sister planet 'ithinkweshould'vetakentheotherexit' whose inhabitants never look for a silver lining as they're too busy looking back'-i was there last month.

earthcheersblackcatfishRULES OF LIFEhsifblackcatcheersearth

(will be added too when I find my own personal rule book which appears to have gone for a spin in an alternative reality where roses' are blue and green and public transport runs on time however suggestions for new rules are welcome)

1:If it ain't broke,hope that it doesn't break.
2:Always believe in what you think and not what the teacher/friend/person in the street tells you.
3:Always pay insurence as rain inside the house is not a good thing.Ditto for red lights on the boiler.
4:You will never know what you are capable of until you try.
5:you will never have your umbrella with you when it rains.
6:Life's too short so make the most of it because you never know when tomorrow might become today.
7:Remember it's your life.
8:One step at a time.
9:Always dress to impress.
10:Never mix friends and finances
(archangel galaxy babe)

Meet my pet shark shark he's called Bob (short for Bobbin-on-the-Ocean) and is very friendly, if you feed him first. He prefers choc but will accept cake and even strawberries on occasion.

Meet my flock of sheep:

Shaun sheep (named by Peet after the sheep in Wallace and Gromit)

Bilbo sheep (named by Tabitca after i'm not sure what but I assume her cat Bilbo Baggins)

Elvis sheep,Capt. Kirk sheep and MacGuyver sheep (were named by Ser Anasazi who's not a Kiwi but is from Oz :-))

Meet Wooly sheep named by Archangel Galaxy Babe and Bob the Sheep sheep (NOT to be confused with Bob the shark shark ) who was named by Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment.

Chris sheep named by my friend Saj.not sure why, i didn't ask.

sheep is hereby named Welly by lizziexxx

sheep is named *burp* in honour of HappyDude, may he never stop.
(and we still need a burp smilie for him)

blacksheep Ramses was donated by Malabarista along with his friends sheep Daisy sheep Diamond and sheep Amelia who are on an exchange program. Sheep for Skillets.

I am now the Professor of Partially Non-Existant Lifeforms at the University of mousemouse biggrin ok


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LochNessie-Professor of Partially Non Existent Life Forms at the University of Mice,bit down in dumps....

Researcher U178624


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