What to do if you see a famous person in Northern England

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Unlike London, the north of England does not have as large an amount of famous people living there, however plenty do appear on regular occasions to film here.
There are two methods involved here, first of all:

What to do if you run into a famous person walking down the street

Ask them (politely) to move out of your way

What to do if a famous person(s) are filming outside your place of work/favourite shop/train station/anywhere you are heading for but cannot get to because they are in the way.

1) Umbrella's out!Preferable one with large spike on the end, tell the secrurity guard you don't care who's filming here he/she is in your way.Raise umbrella in a threatening manner without actually threatening the Secrurity guard (this move may take considerable pratice in front of a mirror beforehand)
2) While Security Guard is conversing with his mate or walkie talkie (trying to figure out what to do with you), sinply walk forward in a purposeful manner at high speed through the film set.
3) Should the actor(s) himself/herself/themselves come up to you to complain reply you don't care who they think they are but they are in your way.Also mention that life does not stop just because they decide they like the look of the place and plonk a film crew in yours and everyone else's way.
4) Continue on your way with umbrella point first in front of you and enter shop/work/station/ect to much cheering and pats on the back of the people who did walk the long way round due to lack of large spikey umbrella.
5) by the third day of filming you will find they simply let you and the rest of the population stride through.

N.B.Tabitca has tried both methods on more than one occasion and has always been sucessful.However it must be noted that Bob Hoskins was a lot smaller than her and without an umbrella.

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