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Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 1

h2g2 Communications

If so, you have found the right thread.

Please stand by...

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Do we just shout out the answers here?

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

And I presume the usual rule of no googling applies.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 4


Aye, Googling would be against the spirit of the thing.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 5

h2g2 Communications

h2g2 Quiz : February 2012

Round 1 : The Radio Script: Who played whom? Computer and Robot edition
1) Marvin
2) Deep Thought
3) The Nutrimat Machine
4) The Autopilot
5) The Lift

Round 2 : Community Badge Colour Round
What is the colour of each of these volunteer group’s badges?

6) Community Artist
7) Guru
8) Post Reporter
9) Scout
10) Sub-Editor
11) ACE

Round 3 : Pictureless Round
Each of these is the alternative text for images used in the Edited Guide, some seem sensible, some seem obscure, but what entry are they from?

12) A woman with fruit on her head holding up a fruity drink
13) A rather cute cat wearing a collar.
14) A villager in his village
15) A table set with a chequered mat, a plate of white sausages, pretzels and beer
16) A heart-shaped door decoration.
17) A field of corn.
18) Rockall
19) A heart beating very quickly.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 6

h2g2 Communications

If you don't want other researchers to know your answers, you may email them to comms AT h2g2 DOT com

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 7

h2g2 Communications

Also, this quiz is being simulcast on twitter @h2g2_Comms.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 8


we are not playing as team *ouch* as in not at the meet, versus the meet

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 9

h2g2 Communications

Round 4 : Quotes of the Day
Which researchers were responsible for these witticisms?

20) “I think it takes a brave man to go through 2legs' backlog.”

21) "The correct way to eat peas is of course to place your knife so it lays along the plate, then push a pea onto the tip of the knife with your fork. Then you smash down on the handle of the fork, so it tips and sends the pea flying up into the air where you catch it with your mouth.”

22) “"Have you tried depressing the 'F' key?" … Hey, F key - the banking system is screwed, global warming's accelerating, the oil's running out, we're no nearer solving how to do fusion, the euro's likely to collapse and probably in a few years China will rule the world. Also, you look fat. … That should do it.”

23) “My table has no manners whatsoever !!!! … It sits there moodily and sullen, and doesn't even say thanks you when I buff it's legs with my J-Cloth.”

24) “So, in other words, we're less of an inclusive community than an inconclusive community?”

25) “I think that a smiley should have a rail replacement bus service every Sunday instead”

26) “Do albatross wings taste good with BBQ sauce?”

27) “Deep-fried confectionery products are so last Tuesday.”

28) “… the zip gave way and I suddenly lost my trousers in mid-air.”

29) " 'The Announcement thread has gone from punctuation to Helen Mirren with no clothes on.' … I said, 'This is an improvement.'”

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 10

h2g2 Communications

To tell you the truth, the questions in this thread are well ahead of twitter.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 11


Can we just answer here? I can't be arsed emailing them in, to tell you the truth!

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 12

Mol - on the new tablet

I won't do the quiz, because I'm currently planning our allotment planting for this year while watching the BBC series of Smiley's People and wearing a fairy dress and drinking wine. But say hello to everybody from me smiley - smiley


Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 13

h2g2 Communications

Round 4 : Quotes of the Day
Which researchers were responsible for these witticisms?

20) “I think it takes a brave man to go through 2legs' backlog.”

21) "The correct way to eat peas is of course to place your knife so it lays along the plate, then push a pea onto the tip of the knife with your fork. Then you smash down on the handle of the fork, so it tips and sends the pea flying up into the air where you catch it with your mouth.”

22) “"Have you tried depressing the 'F' key?" … Hey, F key - the banking system is screwed, global warming's accelerating, the oil's running out, we're no nearer solving how to do fusion, the euro's likely to collapse and probably in a few years China will rule the world. Also, you look fat. … That should do it.”

23) “My table has no manners whatsoever !!!! … It sits there moodily and sullen, and doesn't even say thanks you when I buff it's legs with my J-Cloth.”

24) “So, in other words, we're less of an inclusive community than an inconclusive community?”

25) “I think that a smiley should have a rail replacement bus service every Sunday instead”

26) “Do albatross wings taste good with BBQ sauce?”

27) “Deep-fried confectionery products are so last Tuesday.”

28) “… the zip gave way and I suddenly lost my trousers in mid-air.”

29) " 'The Announcement thread has gone from punctuation to Helen Mirren with no clothes on.' … I said, 'This is an improvement.'”

General Knowledge
If you’ve read and remembered all the entries since we relaunched, you’ll have no trouble here

30) Mrs Amelia Bloomer arrived in Britain in which year?
31) And from which country?
32) How long is The Pomodoro
33) Which county is Christchurch Castle in?
34) Which county is Odiham Castle in?
35) What is the oldest computer programming language still in use today?
36) What starts with the words "The night is black, And the stars are bright, And the sea is dark and deep..." ?
37) Typically how long is a Penteconter
38) What's the common name of the Cymothoa exigua
39) Who was the first rower to win three Olympic gold medals.
40) What is Lactuca Serriolas
41) Whose ideal play is Anything without a telephone or a doorbell
42) Where or what is the Vallum

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 14

h2g2 Communications

Tie Breaker
How many edited and categorised entries are there on the Isle of Wight?

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 15

h2g2 Communications

Answer here if you like!

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 16

h2g2 Communications

All the questions once again:

h2g2 Quiz : February 2012

Round 1 : The Radio Script: Who played whom? Computer and Robot edition
1) Marvin
2) Deep Thought
3) The Nutrimat Machine
4) The Autopilot
5) The Lift

Round 2 : Community Badge Colour Round
What is the colour of each of these volunteer group’s badges?

6) Community Artist
7) Guru
8) Post Reporter
9) Scout
10) Sub-Editor
11) ACE

Round 3 : Pictureless Round
Each of these is the alternative text for images used in the Edited Guide, some seem sensible, some seem obscure, but what entry are they from?

12) A woman with fruit on her head holding up a fruity drink
13) A rather cute cat wearing a collar.
14) A villager in his village
15) A table set with a chequered mat, a plate of white sausages, pretzels and beer
16) A heart-shaped door decoration.
17) A field of corn.
18) Rockall
19) A heart beating very quickly.

Round 4 : Quotes of the Day
Which researchers were responsible for these witticisms?

20) “I think it takes a brave man to go through 2legs' backlog.”

21) "The correct way to eat peas is of course to place your knife so it lays along the plate, then push a pea onto the tip of the knife with your fork. Then you smash down on the handle of the fork, so it tips and sends the pea flying up into the air where you catch it with your mouth.”

22) “"Have you tried depressing the 'F' key?" … Hey, F key - the banking system is screwed, global warming's accelerating, the oil's running out, we're no nearer solving how to do fusion, the euro's likely to collapse and probably in a few years China will rule the world. Also, you look fat. … That should do it.”

23) “My table has no manners whatsoever !!!! … It sits there moodily and sullen, and doesn't even say thanks you when I buff it's legs with my J-Cloth.”

24) “So, in other words, we're less of an inclusive community than an inconclusive community?”

25) “I think that a smiley should have a rail replacement bus service every Sunday instead”

26) “Do albatross wings taste good with BBQ sauce?”

27) “Deep-fried confectionery products are so last Tuesday.”

28) “… the zip gave way and I suddenly lost my trousers in mid-air.”

29) " 'The Announcement thread has gone from punctuation to Helen Mirren with no clothes on.' … I said, 'This is an improvement.'”

General Knowledge
If you’ve read and remembered all the entries since we relaunched, you’ll have no trouble here

30) Mrs Amelia Bloomer arrived in Britain in which year?
31) And from which country?
32) How long is The Pomodoro
33) Which county is Christchurch Castle in?
34) Which county is Odiham Castle in?
35) What is the oldest computer programming language still in use today?
36) What starts with the words "The night is black, And the stars are bright, And the sea is dark and deep..." ?
37) Typically how long is a Penteconter
38) What's the common name of the Cymothoa exigua
39) Who was the first rower to win three Olympic gold medals.
40) What is Lactuca Serriolas
41) Whose ideal play is Anything without a telephone or a doorbell
42) Where or what is the Vallum

Tie Breaker
How many edited and categorised entries are there on the Isle of Wight?

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 17


smiley - laugh No. 38 rings a bell for some reason.

Does "shedloads" count as an answer for the tie-breaker?

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 18


No. 39 was yer man. Jack Kelly.

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 19


I know 28!

Would you like to play the Manchester Meet pub quiz?

Post 20


smiley - laugh Me, too!

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