A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

I'm back, I think...

Post 1


Can't believe it's 9 years since I last took part in h2g2.

I didn't like it when we went to the BBC, but for some reason looked you up yesterday evening and found the new you! smiley - ok

I have an idea for a new entry, but it may take some time (which is, of course, an illusion) as it will mainly be written at lunchtime.

Anyway, "Hi" {waves towel} to anyone who remembers me from back then!

JT smiley - cat

I'm back, I think...

Post 2

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Welcome back, JT. smiley - smiley

Don't forget smiley - thepost at http://www.h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/classic/ThePost

And you can always contribute to Create U14992038 as well, we're doing inventions this month.


I'm back, I think...

Post 3

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Ooh, I think I recognize you! smiley - biggrin Welcome back!

smiley - towel

I'm back, I think...

Post 4


Thanks for the welcomes - yes Milla, I remember your name.

I'm back, I think...

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Well home, JT smiley - biggrin

lil x

I'm back, I think...

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's great to have you back!

I'm back, I think...

Post 7


Hi! smiley - smiley
(I arrived after you'd left).

I'm back, I think...

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Now you have a chance to get to know each other. smiley - smiley These second chances don't happen every day. Make the most of them...

I'm back, I think...

Post 9


Enchanté de vous faire la connaissance!

I'm back, I think...

Post 10


*curtsey* Same here. smiley - hug

I'm back, I think...

Post 11


Re you my next door neighbours very smart cat?he's a jinjer tomsmiley - cat

I'm back, I think...

Post 12


We're probably cousins

JT smiley - cat

I'm back, I think...

Post 13


I'll ask him next time he uses my garden as a loo, do you do that to your neighbour?if so you probably are cousinssmiley - biggrin

I'm back, I think...

Post 14


Yes, and I terrorise their dogs and sleep in their shed

I'm back, I think...

Post 15


I keep my shed locked to stop the likes of you sleeping on my recycling bagssmiley - smiley

I'm back, I think...

Post 16


That's OK - if I find a locked shed, I just scent-mark everything else - especially handles if I can reach. smiley - laugh

I'm back, I think...

Post 17

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There was a calico cat that used to sleep in my shed. The cat became a huge favorite on my street, and was finally adopted by a married couple a couple doors down from me. Sadly, the cat developed cancer and had to be put down. smiley - cry

I dreamed about a cat last night. I brought the cat along with me when I went to a music quiz competition at a school or library of some sort. After the quiz was over, I tried to get the cat to come back with me, but the cat refused, saying that she preferred to live in the children's room of the library with two other cats that were there. I ended up going all over the place, even standing on chairs and ladders to get the cat down from the ceiling smiley - bruised.

And no, I didn't call in the media to hear the cat speaking....

I'm back, I think...

Post 18


When the boss and I were married first way back in the early fifties, we lived in a little cottage on the edge of the cliffs in the far west of Cornwall. One morning I went to the well to get water (yes really, no mains water there for us) and a cat and a kitten were wandering around near the well. They followed me into the house and in spite of asking around could not find owners. We called them Daphne and Fred!! and they lived with us for a few years until we moved to a more modern house. They went away one day after we moved and we never saw them again in spite of searching.smiley - sadface

I'm back, I think...

Post 19

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I guess they didn't like your new house. smiley - winkeye

I'm back, I think...

Post 20

Woolly Mammoth


*A mammoth wanders in*

smiley - mammoth

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