What's your favourite episode of Blackadder?

35 Conversations


The BBCi Comedy Team is on a quest to find the nation's favourite episode of Blackadder. Why? Because on 15th June 2003 it will be the 20th anniversary of the first ever episode: The Foretelling. The BBC will launch a Blackadder website in late May, where you'll be able to vote for your all-time favourite episode. Also, look out for a programme on BBC Radio 4 at the beginning of June which will feature new and exclusive interviews with all the stars and writers of Blackadder.

So: what's your favourite episode, and why? We'd love to know! And what is it about Blackadder that makes people so fanatically devoted to it?

If you need your memory jogged, we've written some guides to all the episodes of Blackadder. (Apart from the "specials" - so obviously feel free to write guides to those if you feel moved to do so!)

Series 1:
1. The Foretelling
2. Born to Be King
3. The Archbishop
4. The Queen of Spain's Beard
5. Witchsmeller Pursuivant
6. The Black Seal

Series 2:
1. Bells
2. Head
3. Potato
4. Money
5. Beer
6. Chains

Series 3:
1. Dish and Dishonesty
2. Ink and Incapability
3. Nob and Nobility
4. Sense and Senility
5. Amy and Amiability
6. Dual and Duality

Series 4:
1. Captain Cook
2. Corporal Punishment
3. Major Star
4. Private Plane
5. General Hospital
6. Goodybyeee

If you're inspired by this debate, please come to the BBC Comedy site at the beginning of June to take part in the official vote for the nation's favourite episode of Blackadder.


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