Talking Point: Your 15 Minutes of Fame?

4 Conversations

Grandma with photo album being interviewed
... in the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.
Andy Warhol

With programmes like Big Brother and Survivor winning the ratings war, the general public are more likely than ever to have their 15 minutes of fame on the television. Celebrities are often hounded by the press, but now 'normal' people are also coming under the camera's watchful eye. Certain types of media are bound to want to talk to anyone who knows you, in the hope that they can dig up a juicy story for the front page, or the 6 o'clock news.

Close friends and family are the ones who know the most about you, your youthful follies, old lovers, that tattoo you got while drunk at a festival, and worst of all, your embarrassing photographs. Reporters often have the money to soothe troubled consciences. What will your neighbours, friends and family say to the reporters about you?

  • Is there a really embarrassing photograph of you that you would hate to be on the front page?

  • Who would you trust not to tell your dirty secrets, and who do you think would tell all for the right price?

  • Do you actually have any dirty secrets? You don't have to tell us what they are, but we like to know that we are in good company.

  • If you won the lottery, who would you expect to run to the press for some money if you wouldn't lend it to them?

  • If you were arrested by the police and it got into the papers, would your friends be surprised, or would interviews be full of 'I always knew that one was up to something"?

Graphic supplied by Community Artist Amy the Ant


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