The h2g2 Post: 11.06.18

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 11th June 2018

The Roads Taken

Pennsylvania Landscape in Spring by Dmitri GheorgheniEvery year, that country road lines itself with beautiful flowers. They look every bit as good as the ones in the store. What's even better is that they aren't surrounding a major office building in a metropolitan area. What's down that road are a few farms, an old cemetery, and a lot of happy animals. They weren't put there by landscape gardeners, unless you count nature itself. You get to see this because a h2g2 Field Researcher stopped and took a photo.

You know the moral to that story. We appreciate these photos at the Post, is all I'm saying. Without us, how will people know about these byroads? We've been down a lot of them lately.

  • Willem and I keep talking about how what each of us sees is exotic to the other: me with the wildflowers and backyard chipmunks, he with all the beauty of South Africa. Next week, he'll tell us about some ancient forests, and the rain queen, whom he knows personally. This week, feast your eyes on his painting of a Cardinal Woodpecker.
  • A purple and white iris from Pennsylvania
  • We have incredible floral beauty to share, from a wide variety of locations. Also landscapes and seascapes. Be sure to read what Minorvogonpoet has to say about a ferry journey.
  • We have cats, and are not afraid to use them. Observe them in all their splendour and excessive cuteness. Send more. We don't mind. As Superfrenchie says, 'The internet is built on cats.'
  • We do have other things in the Post besides gorgeous scenery and aww-some cats. There are quizzes. There is quite a lot of humour, and it's not all the Editor's, which means some of it is actually funny.
  • Awix has cinema. He writes, '#551 and we are still becalmed in art-house territory... dinosaurs next week.' We can't wait. In the meantime, enjoy the existential angst and beautiful scenery.
  • We have challenges for you: caption the kitten-and-dog showdown, naturally, and anything else you care to comment on, and then write us a story, poem, or playlet about that exotic gorilla photo by Paigetheoracle. How he finds these things in Scotland we'll never know, but if you recall, last week he found a time traveller in Wales. We'll have to watch this reporter.
  • Benjaminpmoore is back with a stop-press update on Carers' Week in the UK. He makes a lot of sense, our Ben. Please read and discuss.
  • TJ ponders the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything from the safety of the spare bed
  • Do you like animation? (Is Bluebottle paying attention? Somebody wake him up.) In this issue, we bring you a classic story (okay, it should be a classic) with Claymation stills, courtesy of a pioneer woman stop-motion filmmaker. She even did it in the silent era. It's a pretty sharply-observed (and feminist) take on the old-fashioned barber shop. We're always on the lookout for these interesting blasts-from-the-past.

So, you know what to do: read, comment, get out there and learn, send more Stuff! And have a wonderful week!
A chipmunk
A chipmunk out collecting stories for h2g2

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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