The Apopoplex is A-Coming

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The h2g2 Post presents the following advertisement as a public service, and without comment, other than to say that Rod's tinfoil hat is on too tight.

The Apopoplex is A-Coming

An artist's impression of the sky turning dark during the day.

It won't be this year but will be next December 2013. It will be caused by comet ISON flying by and causing enough disruption to the solar system to destroy life on Earth by shaking up our core and launching much lava into the wide blue yonder.

Why do I say this? Well, I've had this dream, you see, and I KNOW it. It seems that we are on the verge of making a real nuisance of ourselves and the Power That Is in the galaxy has decided that the
December Solstice of the year ’13

is appropriate to make us all realise it.

Therefore, in a spirit of sympathy for fellow mankind, I have made contact with various travelling companies around the place and made suitable preparations for myself – and reservations for, I feel, sufficient numbers of all you clear-headed, right thinking folk.

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