Deathlist 2012 scoreboard

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Fancy line breakA Lily, symbol of mourning.Fancy line break

This is the scoreboard for the '2012 Deathlist', which was introduced to h2g2 and is run by Mu Beta assisted by Galaxy Babe.

Researcher namesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - roseScore
Beatrice De'Ath              Elliott Carter      15
C Hawke    Ray BradburyYitzhak Shamir       Heriberto Lazcano  Oscar Niemeyer    75
coelacanth Etta James      Geoffrey Hughes   Herbert Lom    Sir Patrick MooreRavi Shankar  60
Dai the Death    Ray Bradbury  Ernest Borgnine    Herbert Lom       Tony Martin45
Demon Drawer     Yitzhak Shamir    Rev Sun Myung Moon          25
fords      Eric Sykes              151
Galaxy Babe Etta James Robin Gibb       Andy Williams         30
loonycat    Ray Bradbury          Larry Hagman   Kenneth Kendall 35
Magwitch         Neil Armstrong           15
minichessemouse                 Sir Patrick Moore   10
MMF       Ernest Borgnine             10
Mol                   Kenneth Kendall 10
Mr. Dreadful                     0
Mu Beta Etta James    Eric Sykes              20
Orcus            Herbert Lom    Sir Patrick Moore   20
RadoxTheGreen           Andy Williams         10
swlBob Holness     Eric Sykes          Sir Patrick Moore   35
The Groob  Dorothea Tanning                  15
the_jon_m   Robin Gibb                 10

15 points awarded for the Go Compare guy.

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