Talking Point: Advertising

15 Conversations

Adverts on a bus

Advertising is, arguably, a good thing. It shows us the products that are available to us, so that we can make an informed choice about the things that we want. Adverts are also helpful at Christmas; inspiration for something to buy Auntie Gladys suddenly strikes. They also bring in valuable revenue for websites1 and small businesses, enabling them to keep afloat while they build their business. A good advert can also be entertaining. People even have favourites.

Advertisers, on the other hand, are not always a good thing. They have an extraordinary talent to find viewers' vulnerable spots and manipulate them. Children are encouraged by adverts to want more and more toys, games and junk food. Overweight people might be seduced into paying out their hard-earned cash on the latest miracle cure, consumers won over to the latest credit card, or worse, a consolidation loan.

  • Should advertisers be allowed to advertise in schools?

  • Are advertisers targetting vulnerable people?

  • If it's not nailed down (or even if it is), it seems that it's got an advert pasted to it. Is this good or bad?

  • Would you prefer to watch films and television programmes without adverts, and have a longer ad-break between programmes?

  • Have you decided to buy a particular product because of the celebrity endorsing it?

  • Are movies just two hour-long adverts to sell merchandise?


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Amy the Ant

1Although some would say that there is no excuse for pop-up adverts.

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