The h2g2 Post 15.03.10

1 Conversation

Posted: 15th March 2010




Some of you may know that my eldest son started his conscription service last year in October. He wasn't happy at all, especially during the first few weeks of his three months basic training. He calmed down, though, and I thought it would all go well after all. But not so. They designated him assistant training supervisor, which meant that he'd still do the basic training, for the remaining six months. He was desperate and angry. Two weeks ago, he decided to write an appeal for the military service and do community service instead – with just four months to go. His first appeal was rejected, but he wrote a second one, and this time, they accepted it. And he was lucky to find a place to do his community service. I hadn't expected it – it's not the time of year when people start it – but somebody fell ill, so the kindergarten to which he applied urgently needs a substitute. Maybe some of his luck will rub off and help me with my search for a job.

Last week, a radio reporter from a radio station in the Netherlands contacted me via email. He'll do a story about pheloxi's h2g2 life. He left a few posts here on h2g2, too, asking people to contribute. We exchanged various emails, and he may do an interview with me. I don't know exactly, because after I told him about my German accent, I didn't hear anything any more1. Apparently, pheloxi was autistic, which was news to me. The reportage is scheduled for about 2 April, which is World Autism Day. If I hear anything more precise, I'll let you know if you are interested.

It's been an interesting week for me. If you want to spend an interesting day, go and read the current issue of the Post.

































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1It was late Friday afternoon, so I guess his shift finished and he just went home. We'll see.

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