The Acrostic Poetry Challenge: Parish

1 Conversation

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The Acrostic Poem has been a long-standing challenge, mainly between B'Elana and PedanticBarSteward. However, we've decided to open up the idea to anyone who would like to take part, as a regular poetry challenge.

The word chosen each time is the Telegram Game's current word, so if you join in or subscribe to the telegram game you'll know as soon as it's announced. When you've completed your poem, submit it by posting to a new thread below, and we'll put the best of them together in the next issue.

Have fun!

This Issue : Parish


Papa - his collar reversed one day,
Astonished poor great auntie May,
Religion had never featured high,
In what she termed 'pry-orit-eye',
So as she knew the bishop well,
Had poor papa condemned to hell.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro


Perhaps I should have stayed,
And made my peace with God.
Reliving moments past
Is definitely odd.
Still, moving on and up
Has made my outlook broad.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro


Pastors are leopards
Albeit masked as shepherds,
Religiously preaching
Isaiah's old teachings.
Shouting:'Doomsday is nigh'!
Howbeit that is a lie.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Dmitri Gheorgheni

People have different names for things.
All our words prove that we don't speak the same language.
Religion and geography - what a notion.
In the old days, my great-great-great grandfather was a Tennessee preacher.
Sundays, he rode a circuit.
Horse knew where to go.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

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