Smudger Snippets

2 Conversations

I suppose it's because I have so much time on my hands these days, that all these memories come flooding back to me.

When Things Go Wrong

I know in the past I have mentioned the advantages of all our modern technology, especially with computers and telephones and the like. Indeed there are some great advantages in owning such items and learning how to use them. Even all our modern cars have some kind of computer chip in them, which makes any kind of repair or even servicing become more difficult for us.

Yet what do we do when things go wrong? We can do exactly what I have been doing all day and try to solve the problem ourselves by using the 'Help' pages, if it is a computer problem, or, dare I say it, the service manual or other such instruction book for other items such as cars. Either of which can leave you feeling very inadequate or simply just frustrated to say the least.

You can, of course, use these web sites that have been set up especially for the purposes of helping us owners solve our problems. If you are lucky you may receive a reply written in such a way that you can , indeed, follow them and go on to solve your problem. I have always found these sites very helpful and still use them at times just to learn more about computers. Then, on the other hand, you may find yourself really struggling to even understand the answer given to you. This could be due to the fact that the person writing it assumes that you have a degree in computer science!

If a problem occurs with your car and you take it to a garage, you may be forgiven for thinking that you are actually in a hospital operating room. I remember when garages looked like a garage, with just the hoist or a pit to gain access to the car. These days the amount of computerised technical machinery they have along with the clean, well-dressed mechanics, can leave you thinking that you are in the wrong place. A lot of things have changed over the years, none more so than what used to be a smelly garage with its dirty floor and matching mechanics.

All this is on the assumption that you can repair the item. Some of these modern appliances cannot even be repaired at all and are simply thrown away with the story of: 'Ah, you would be cheaper to buy a new one than to pay for the repair'. This case became fact to us when we tried to have our microwave, which we had paid a lot for a few years earlier, repaired. It turned out that the price of such items had fallen so much since then that it was, in fact, cheaper to replace it with a new one.

I sometimes wonder if such tactics have managed to infiltrate into human relationships - this throw-away attitude. I suppose they could say; 'Ah! We'll just call it a day, then, rather than spend a little time at least to try and repair it!'. For example, the amount of single parent families has increased so much over the past few years that it is now considered normal these days. Divorce rates have also increased with the same amount of speed and numbers over the past few years as well. It would appear that people are not prepared to put the effort into solving problems that come between couples. The first sign of trouble and they are away to seek guidance from some councilor or other, rather than try to talk it about between them. The only people who gain from all this are the divorce lawyers. Of course, if there is no hope of repair in any form, then the throw-away tactic would appear to be the best answer to solve it. Still there would be no harm done at all to take it all to bits, have a good look at it, and then rebuild it back together again. You never know, you might eventually find the problem without even knowing it.

I can still remember the feeling I had when we had to throw that microwave oven into the skip. It looked as good as new and you would never know that it was, in fact, broken. I had a similar feeling when I walked away from my first marriage, but at least I had the satisfaction of knowing that we had tried to repair it. Even though it had lasted twenty three years, it had simply worn out; not even computer science could fix it.

Now? Well, now I am going back to try and repair this printer as I know it is just a simple thing that is stopping it from working. Yet I have the satisfaction of knowing that it's just a simple person that is trying to fix it!

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