M2M2 - Angels

4 Conversations

I'm hoping to compile, with your help, a list of high-profile 'angels' - people who've gone beyond the call of duty for the cause of equality and gay rights - so that we know who these people are and can lend them our support.

The List

  • Ken Livingstone
  • Ken Livingstone has promised as London Mayor to require than any contracts tendered by the London Assembly will go only to companies with equal opportunity policies. He has said that this will bar companies with homophobic policies (e.g. Stagecoach) from any contracts.

  • Channel 4
  • Channel 4 has continually produced a very positive portrayal of people from all groups and of all sexualities. Their efforts on television and in film have included the first interracial gay sex scene in My Beautiful Launderette, the first prime time lesbian kiss on the soap Brookside and the first drama based around all gay characters, Queer As Folk, plus many other positive images. For more info see Portrayals of Lesbigay Lifestyle in the Media.

  • Governor Howard Dean
  • Describing it as 'a statement that Vermont values people for who they are, not what they are', Governor Howard Dean signed a Civil Union Bill granting the full benefits of marriage to same sex couple in the state of Vermont. This has had a profound effect on many state laws, including adoption, inheritance and health care, and has helped to advance the cause of gay marriage in the United States (in spite of considerable conservative opposition).

  • The National Union of Teachers
  • The NUT consistently campaigned for the abolition of Section 28, which they felt inhibited their ability to teach sex education properly, as well as intimidating teachers into not giving as much support to children in their schools, such as when they are being bullied for their sexuality, as is needed. Their efforts contributed to Section 28's abolition in 2000 for Scotland and in 2003 for the rest of the UK. The NUT continues to campaign against homophobic bullying, a problem which is still sadly present in schools across the UK.

  • Al and Tipper Gore
  • Tipper Gore told a gay rights advocacy group on 28th April, 2000 that an administration headed by her husband would 'stand with you, and if necessary, fight with you'. In her speech, Mrs Gore urged immediate passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act before Congress (currently still not passed), which include protection against those targeted because of sexual orientation or gender identification.

  • The Liberal Democrat Party
  • On 19th September, 2000 Susan Kramer (formerly the Lib Dem candidate for London Mayor) put to the vote of the party conference suggestions that homosexual couples should be able to enter civil partnerships, garnering them the same rights as married heterosexual couples. Avoiding confrontation with the far right but also avoiding aggravating those in the LGBT community who do not want to be forced into a 'marriage' - a relationship that they have been always been denied and that many feel averse to, not least for the connotations of supporting religious ideas opposed to their way of life - these proposals do not involve the idea of gay marriages but simply equal rights. These eventually became a reality in the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and the first gay couples entered Civil Partnerships in December 2005.

    The above count Shaun McGall as one of their councillors in Bath, UK. He has been fighting for equal rights for gay couples on a local level.

  • Dr Mo Mowlam
  • The late Mo Molam was the British government minister for Northern Ireland during negotiation of the Good Friday Agreement. It was with her help that the constitution for the devolved Northern Ireland Assembly includes a legal ban on discrimation on grounds of sexuality: in fact it was the first part of the UK to have such legislation (it has only been since April 2007 that England, Wales and Scotland have had legislation to combat homophobia in the provision of services). It was also only the second constitution in the world after South Africa to contain such a provision.

Your Name Here...

If you can think of someone who I have missed out, please mention them in the forum and state why they are an angel, and I'll be sure to add them!

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