A Conversation for M2M2 - Angels
eh mising some great thing
dutchbuzzer Started conversation Jul 9, 2004
The dutch goverment, who allowed gay people to get marryd (sorry for the bad english) and with this the Netherlands was the first country in the world wre it was possible...
eh mising some great thing
Rillington Posted Jan 14, 2006
And now add Belgium and Canada to that lost with Spain and South Africa expected also to allow us to get married.
eh mising some great thing
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jan 15, 2006
Hello Rillington,
HonestIago has asked me to try to contact you.
Due to you entering the Health Messageboard, you will find that no-one in h2g2 can actually leave you a message, unless like me they barge into another conversation.
If you would like to remain in h2g2 and participate fully in the community, you can register onto the site by amending your name slightly and then you can change it back by using the "My Preferences" option in your Personal Space.
I will leave you my ACE's greeting for newbies, have a look round and see if you would like to join us more fully:-
Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the wonderful site of H2G2 (otherwise known as hootoo - you will see this word a lot). I am an <./>ACE</.>, and I'm here to help you settle into your new home
H2G2 is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything, and it's something YOU can take part in. You can write entries on all manner of subjects, and if it's something you think would look good in our Edited Guide (where all the best research goes), you can submit it to Peer Review. Take a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for more information on that.
I've created a little list of links, just for you, so click here <./>A4992357</.> and have a look at them (actually the links are my daughters...but hey!! Hootoo is one big family )
If you click on each link, they will take you to parts of hootoo no sane person should ever go alone on this site.....
......but as it seems no one here is sane, it doesn't matter does it!
Have a look around, pop into my personal space and read some conversations that I have on the go at the moment and you will see how things work. Don't be frightened to jump in on conversations, hootooers don't bite (well, some of them do, but I'll steer you well clear of those), just be aware of the thread you are reading and whether or not it is a private conversation between two people.
Remember, if you get lost, shout for help and hopefully I'll be around to give you a helping hand. In case I'm not around, just leave a message here <./>ACE</.> and someone will be with you just as soon as they can. Failing that, just click on MY SPACE on the left hand side of your screen and you'll get back to your personal space.
Remember, I'm here to help.
lil xxx
eh mising some great thing
Rillington Posted Jan 18, 2006
Thank you for taking the time lol.
I am a bit confused when you say that if I want to remain in h2g2 I have to register. As far as I am concerned, I am registered for the BBC messageboards only found this site by accident when someone else mentioned it recently. I presumably this registration includes h2g2 (and all aspects of BBC interactivity) because I seem able to post here. I don't want to sound ungrateful but I have no interest in the personal space thingy (or of any of the other stuff) and just want to participate in conversations in the m2m2 area following the BBC closing down the officially sanctioned gay messageboard three months ago. However, I am confused becuase I have interpreted that sentence as though I will be chucked out of here and not able to post here in the future.
If someone can clarify this then I'd be grateful.
Thank you.
eh mising some great thing
Rillington Posted Jan 18, 2006
sorry for the lol at the end of the first senetence of the previous post of a minute previous. Am not sure how that appeared and I didn't mean it to but there's no edit function so I can't remove it. I really hope I have not caused any offence and didn't meant to becuase I really am grateful for the time taken to post that message.
Key: Complain about this post
eh mising some great thing
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